Veterinary Surgery

Caring for your pet through surgery and recovery.

When your pet’s illness requires more intensive and focused care, our hospital and staff are well-equipped for surgery and inpatient hospitalization. We do not take these matters lightly and take the most extensive preparations to ensure your pet’s well-being.

What can I expect before my pet’s surgery?

  • Pre-operative bloodwork is recommended to test your pet’s liver and kidney function to see if those organs can filter out the anesthetic drugs.
  • Our veterinarians will discuss the procedure with you, answering your questions and discussing any possible complications that may arise. We will also go over the necessary paperwork with you.

During Surgery, Your Pet is Monitored Constantly

  • We use an advanced monitoring system on every patient that is placed under anesthesia. This monitors heart rate, respiratory rate, pulse oximetry, and an ECG.
  • Our technicians are trained in proper anesthetic techniques and are experienced in routine and critical care cases.
  • Pain management is an essential part of our anesthetic care and is managed before, during, and after surgery

During Your Pet’s Recovery They Are Monitored Constantly

  • Pain is controlled with medications if indicated.
  • A patient is monitored until fully recovered.
  • We will call you promptly once the recovery is complete.